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If you need this for a report, then you have two solutions:

  1. You can use NamaRep.timeToString($F{fromTime}) and this will give you the desired string directly.
  2. You can also use NamaRep.timeToDecimal($F{fromTime}) and this will convert the time to a decimal

If in templates, you can use {timetostring(fromTime)} -> Please note this part is found in releases after 20181205

If you need this for a report, then you have two solutions:

  1. You can use NamaRep.timeToString($F{fromTime}) and this will give you the desired string directly.
  2. You can also use NamaRep.timeToDecimal($F{fromTime}) and this will convert the time to a decimal

If in templates, you can use {timetostring(fromTime)} -> Please note this part is found in releases after 20181205