
Community gives you awards for your questions, answers and votes.

Below is the list of available badges and number of times each type of badge has been awarded.

Associate Editor 2

Edited 20 entries

Autobiographer 171

Completed all user profile fields

Citizen Patrol 1

First flagged post

Civic Duty 1

Voted 100 times

Commentator 0

Posted 10 comments

Critic 1

First downvote

Disciplined 0

Deleted own post with 3 or more upvotes

Editor 11

First edit

Enlightened 0

Gave accepted answer upvoted 3 or more times

Enthusiast 7

Visited site every day for 5 days in a row

Famous Question 75

Asked a question with 50 views

Favorite Question 0

Asked a question with 3 followers

Good Answer 0

Answer voted up 3 times

Good Question 0

Question voted up 3 times

Great Answer 0

Answer voted up 5 times

Great Question 0

Question voted up 5 times

Guru 0

Gave accepted answer upvoted 5 or more times

Necromancer 1

Answered a question more than 30 days later with at least 1 votes

Nice Answer 5

Answer voted up 2 times

Nice Question 3

Question voted up 2 times

Notable Question 111

Asked a question with 25 views

Organizer 2

First retag

Peer Pressure 0

Deleted own post with 3 or more downvotes

Popular Question 141

Asked a question with 15 views

Rapid Responder 13

Responded to question within 48 hours

Scholar 4

Asked a question and accepted an answer

Self-Learner 260

Answered own question with at least 1 up votes

Stellar Question 0

Asked a question with 5 followers

Student 15

Asked first question with at least one up vote

Supporter 10

First upvote

Taxonomist 4

Created a tag used 5 times

Teacher 16

Gave an Answer voted up at least 1 times for the first time