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Create parameter and add property suggestionquery
Value should be:

select distinct top 75   s.code,s.name1,s.name2 from SizesAndColors s left join InvItem i on = s.invItem_id where i.code  = {FromSubCode} and (s.code like '%'+{sizeandcolor}+'%' or s.name1 like '%'+{sizeandcolor}+'%'  or s.name2 like '%'+{sizeandcolor}+'%' )

image description

Create parameter and add property suggestionquery1- parmater (property code)=(suggestionquery)
Value should be:

select 2- value ``select distinct top 75   s.code,s.name1,s.name2 from SizesAndColors s left join InvItem i on = s.invItem_id where i.code  = {FromSubCode} and (s.code like '%'+{sizeandcolor}+'%' or s.name1 like '%'+{sizeandcolor}+'%'  or s.name2 like '%'+{sizeandcolor}+'%' )

image description

1- parmater (property code)=(suggestionquery)
2- value ``select distinct top 75 s.code,s.name1,s.name2 from SizesAndColors s left join InvItem i on = s.invItem_id where i.code = {FromSubCode} and (s.code like '%'+{sizeandcolor}+'%' or s.name1 like '%'+{sizeandcolor}+'%' or s.name2 like '%'+{sizeandcolor}+'%' )
image description

image description